Choosing Safe Home Products For Cleaning And Personal Care
Ideas For Safe Cleaning And Beauty Products
Choosing safe home products for cleaning and personal care is something we all need to take seriously. Studies have shown that just because something is approved by the FDA or other regulatory agencies, does not mean that they are necessarily safe for you or your family. Common cleaning and personal care products contain chemicals that are giving doctors and patients alike second thoughts about their stated benefits.
Give Your Cleaning & Beauty Products a Makeover
Ick FACTor: Over 12,000 chemicals are regularly used in personal care products but 89% of them haven’t been reviewed for safety. Beauty products are a BIG source of endocrine disruptors that the FDA doesn’t regulate.
- Avoid anything with parabens, coal tar, formaldehyde, lead acetate, DEA, MEW or TEA compounds, petroleum (including mineral oil), phenylenediamine, alpha hydroxy acids and silica.
- Check the Skin Deep database at http://www.ewg.org/skindeep/ for healthier product options.
- DIY skin products can be made from natural ingredients like beeswax, shea butter, and coconut oil.
Stop Using Antibacterial Soaps
- Triclosan (the antibacterial component) found in hand & dish soaps, kills both good and bad bacteria, creating antibiotic resistance. Studies show that antibacterial soap is no more effective at preventing sickness than plain soap & water.
- Use natural hand & dish soaps that are created WITHOUT triclosan, chlorine, phosphates, fragrance, & artificial coloring.
Ick FACTor: When triclosans mix with chlorinated tap water, the combination can create chloroform, a carcinogenic gas.
Avoid Synthetic Fragrance
Ick FACTor: Common synthetic chemicals include phthalates, which have been linked to cancer, reproductive, & developmental harm in humans. The FDA has reported that fragrances are responsible for 30 percent of all allergic reactions.
- Warning: “unscented” does not mean fragrance-free!
- Only use home cleaners, laundry detergents, and personal care products with the label “fragrance-free”.
- Discontinue use of toxic air fresheners & candles. These contain synthetic fragrances & volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Open up windows or diffuse essential oils to freshen the home.
Go “BPA-Free”
Ick FACTor: Bisphenol-A (BPA) is commonly found in canned food liners and many plastic products. BPA exposure is linked to increased risk of cancer, infertility, obesity and diabetes.
- Use only plastics labeled “BPA-free”.
- Give canned foods the boot! Choose fresh or frozen produce instead.
- Buy products packaged in glass or lined cardboard instead of cans or plastic.
Choose Plastics with the Recycle Symbols #4 & #5
Ick FACTor: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), known as the “poison plastic”, is found in plastic products ranging from toys to shower curtains to and cookware. PVC is linked to hormone disruption, reproductive and developmental harm, and other health impairments.
- If you use plastic products, choose #4 & #5 signifying PVC-free & BPA free plastics.
- NEVER microwave plastic.
- The best option for food storage is glass containers.
Stop Dust & Dirt in their Tracks
Ick FACTor: Shoes can track in toxic chemicals like lawn pesticides and coal tar from a driveway, etc. Dust carries chemicals that shed off of household furniture, electronics, and other household products.
- Use a doormat on both sides of the door to catch dirt & potential chemicals before they make their way into your home. Or even better, make your home a shoe free zone!
- Dust with a micro-fiber cloth & vacuum your house regularly with a HEPA-filter vacuum to trap the endocrine disrupting compounds found in household dust.
Make Your Own Cleaning Products
Ick FACTor: Certain chemicals in cleaning products have been linked to decreased fertility, birth defects, increased risk of breast cancer, asthma, and hormone disruption.
If you are using chemical based cleaners in your home, you are exposing your household to unnecessary toxins. Top offenders are drain, oven, and toilet bowl cleaners that contain ammonia or chlorine. It’s easy, fun, and affordable to make non-toxic cleaners from safe and effective ingredients. Every day ingredients like vinegar, castile soap, baking soda, lemon peel, & water are examples of basic ingredients that can be used.
Essential oils are also effective cleaners with natural germ destroying properties. For example, use clove oil rather than bleach to get rid of mold. Tea tree, lemon, lime, and cinnamon are other examples of popular oils that can be added to DIY home cleaning products.
Take Action
Due to our lax federal laws in the U.S., it is perfectly legal for companies to put toxic chemicals in the products we use every single day. Contact your congressional representatives today and ask them to support the Safe Chemicals Act. The Safe Chemicals Act will require that chemicals be tested before they can be put in products.
Go to http://www.saferchemicals.org/ & learn more about efforts that will make a big impact on the health of individuals and families in the United States.